Influenza A (H1N1) Cases and Deaths*

*Cases reported by The World Health Organization (WHO) are as of February 14, 2010
International News
WHO concludes peak of pandemic can’t be determined yet
The World Health Organization’s Emergency Committee has released a statement regarding the end of the H1N1 pandemic peak period: it’s too early to call. The 15-member panel of experts from around the world said that increasing pandemic activity in West Africa, and the potential for a second wave in the southern hemisphere’s coming winter flu season raised too many concerns to safely assume the pandemic peak had passed. CBC News
Vaccine News
Scientists find a healthy use for tobacco
Researchers at Texas A & M University are working on a technique to make and harvest vaccine antigens using tobacco plants. For the last 60 years, almost all vaccines have been developed using viruses cultivated in chicken eggs. It’s a process that takes months to produce a vaccination serum. The tobacco method is cheaper and could shorten that process to a matter of weeks. Scientists hope to begin human trials for the new vaccines in 2011. Wall Street Journal